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Castanyada i taller de panallets

November 3, 2024 @ 8:00 - 17:00

— English below —
La tardor ja arriba, i amb ella les castanyes i… els panellets! Us convidem a celebrar la castanyada venint a participar al taller de panellets de CatalansDK. Portarem els ingredients i la recepta, i només cal que vingueu amb ganes d’embrutar-vos les mans. Després del taller, berenarem junts els panellets amb sucs i cafès, i també hi haurà castanyes i moniatos.
Tenim places limitades. Els preus per la participació al taller de panellets són els següents:
– Socis de CatalansDK: 30dkk
– No socis de CatalansDK: 60 dkk
– Nens i nenes: gratis

Per inscriure’s, cal omplir el següent formulari i seguir les instruccions que s’hi indiquen per fer el pagament: https://forms.gle/wTSpEwWhgGRj1roPA
Us hi esperem!
The fall is here, and that means it is time for chestnuts and… panellets!! We invite you to celebrate the Catalan tradition of “La Castanyada” with a workshop where you will learn how to make the typical Catalan sweets of the season: the panellets! We will provide all the ingredients and recipe, so you just need to be willing to get your hands dirty. After the workshop, we will eat some panellets with coffe or juice, and there will also be chestnuts and sweet potatoes for those who want to go all in with the Catanyada experience.
We have limited spots, so book yours as soon as possible. The prices are as follows:
– Members of CatalansDK: 30 dkk
– Non members of CatalansDK: 60 dkk
– Kids: free

In order to sign up, fill out the following form and proceed to do the payment as indicated therein: https://forms.gle/wTSpEwWhgGRj1roPA
Looking forward to see you there!


Sundholmsvej, 28A
Copenhagen, 2300 Denmark
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